
Welcome to joinarnold.com, your go-to source for everything related to Arnold Schwarzenegger, the renowned bodybuilder, action star, and former Governor of California.

Our story began back in 2002 when this website was launched as Arnold’s official platform, championing the cause of after-school care, and his passionate efforts to pass Proposition 49. Over the course of the next year, joinarnold.com continued to evolve and by 2003, became a comprehensive digital hub for Arnold’s political activities as the newly elected governor.

Fast forward to 2011, the website ceased to be active. A significant period of dormancy followed, but as they say, every end is a new beginning. In 2023, joinarnold.com came under new ownership and underwent a complete transformation. Today, while we are no longer affiliated with, endorsed by, or in any way connected to Arnold Schwarzenegger or his team, we continue to serve as an unofficial source of information dedicated to the remarkable journey of this multifaceted personality.

Here at joinarnold.com, we strive to bring you up-to-date and accurate information about Arnold’s life, his initiatives, and his influence. We delve into his multifaceted career, from his impressive reign as a bodybuilding champion, his iconic roles in the world of action cinema, to his tenure as the Governor of California.

Whether you’re a fan of his cinematic prowess, his political career, or his fitness philosophies, joinarnold.com is your one-stop destination for all things Arnold. We’re excited to have you join us as we explore the many layers of this legendary figure’s career and impact.

We thank you for visiting and hope you enjoy your journey through the fascinating world of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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