Mastering the Arnold Press: A Comprehensive Guide to Shoulder Strength

The Arnold Press, named after the legendary bodybuilder and movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger, is a twist on the traditional shoulder press that engages all three heads of the deltoid muscle. It integrates rotation into the movement, providing a more complete and natural exercise that can be especially beneficial for building shoulder mass and strength. This intermediate-level exercise typically involves moderate to high repetitions with dumbbells as the main equipment.

Benefits of the Arnold Press

Arnold Schwarzenegger Fitness

The Arnold Press has several notable benefits, particularly when it comes to enhancing shoulder muscles and optimizing your workout routines.

Muscle Development

Arguably the most significant benefit of the Arnold Press is its comprehensive engagement of the deltoid muscle. This exercise effectively targets all three heads of the deltoid – the anterior, lateral, and posterior. This can lead to a more balanced shoulder development compared to other shoulder exercises that might only engage one or two parts of the deltoid.


The Arnold Press serves as an excellent main movement on shoulder day, but it can also function as an effective accessory move for other presses. This versatility can enrich your training routine and offer a more holistic upper-body workout.


Interestingly, the Arnold Press may be more shoulder-friendly than palms-forward presses. The rotation incorporated into the movement allows for a more natural path, potentially reducing the risk of strain or injury.

that the exercise can also be performed standing up, although this variation isn’t recommended for individuals with lower back issues.

How to Perform the Arnold Press

Photo credit: James Michelfelder

Photo credit: James Michelfelder

The Arnold Press is a strength training exercise named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. It targets the shoulders and involves a rotation movement.

Step 1: Set Up

Sit on an exercise bench with back support and hold two dumbbells in front of you at about upper chest level with your palms facing your body and your elbows bent. Your arms should be next to your torso.

Step 2: Lift and Rotate

Raise the dumbbells as you rotate the palms of your hands until they are facing forward. Continue lifting the dumbbells until your arms are extended above you in straight arm position.

Step 3: Pause and Lower

After a second pause at the top, begin to lower the dumbbells to the original position by rotating the palms of your hands towards you.

Step 4: Repeat

Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.


The exercise is typically performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps, as part of the upper-body or shoulder-focused portion of a workout.

Tools Needed

A pair of dumbbells and an exercise bench with back support.

Tips for Effective Seated Arnold Press

To get the most out of the seated Arnold Press and minimize the risk of injury, here are some helpful tips to remember:

  • Keep your back flat against the pad throughout the duration of the exercise.
  • Avoid letting your head jut forward excessively.
  • Drive the bicep to the ear and exhale as you press.
  • Be aware of any pressure in your neck or traps during the movement. This could indicate a lack of thoracic spine extension or shoulder flexion.
  • Keep the elbows slightly bent at the top. Avoid locking out entirely to maintain tension on the shoulders.
  • If you can’t lock out the elbows overhead, it may indicate a lack of shoulder mobility due to poor scapular upward rotation.


Unlock the full potential of your shoulder workout with the Arnold Press. Our comprehensive guide delves into the benefits, step-by-step instructions, and pro tips for this versatile, deltoid-targeting exercise named after bodybuilding icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Arnold Press is a dynamic and effective exercise for targeting the entire deltoid muscle, promoting shoulder development, and potentially reducing the risk of injury. Incorporate it into your training regimen as a main or supplementary movement, and remember to adhere to the correct form and movement techniques to reap maximum benefits.

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