Joe Weider: The Master Blaster, His Bond with Arnold Schwarzenegger

In the annals of bodybuilding history, few names shine as brightly as Joe Weider. Born in Montreal, Quebec, in 1919 to Polish Jewish immigrants, Weider’s journey from a humble beginning to becoming the ‘Master Blaster’ of the bodybuilding world is a testament to his indomitable spirit. His early life was marked by the hardships of the Great Depression, but it was during these challenging times that Weider discovered his passion for bodybuilding.

The Genesis of a Bodybuilding Empire


In 1940, Weider published the first issue of Your Physique magazine, a publication that would later evolve into the iconic Muscle & Fitness. This was the same year he built a set of barbells out of car wheels and axles in his family garage, marking the beginning of his lifelong commitment to fitness and bodybuilding.

Weider’s influence on the sport grew exponentially when he co-founded the International Federation of BodyBuilders (IFBB) with his brother Ben. He was the creative force behind the Mr. Olympia, Ms. Olympia, and the Masters Olympia bodybuilding contests, competitions that would become the pinnacle of achievement in the sport.

But it was in 1968 that Weider made a decision that would forever change the face of bodybuilding. He brought a relatively unknown Austrian bodybuilder to California. That man was Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger’s arrival in America was a turning point in both men’s lives. Weider saw in Schwarzenegger a raw talent that needed nurturing. He took the young Austrian under his wing, mentoring him, guiding him, and helping him navigate the world of bodybuilding.

As Schwarzenegger himself recalls, “I liked the fact that Joe Weider was a hustler. He had magazines. He had a federation. He had knowledge. He shook things up and wanted to make bodybuilding really big. He had something to offer that I needed, and he felt I had something to offer that he needed.”

A Mentor and a Father Figure

Joe Weider

Their relationship was more than just mentor and protégé. Weider was a father figure to Schwarzenegger, providing him with the support and guidance he needed to conquer the bodybuilding world. Schwarzenegger’s rise to fame was meteoric. Under Weider’s tutelage, he won the Mr. Olympia title seven times, a record that stood for over a decade.

But their bond extended beyond the gym and the competition stage. Schwarzenegger’s autobiography, “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story,” provides a glimpse into their deep personal connection. Schwarzenegger credits Weider with not only inspiring him to enter bodybuilding but also encouraging him to come to the United States, a decision that would shape the rest of his life.

Joe and I had battled—for example, at times he’d gotten mad when I signed up for a competition that he didn’t sponsor. But there was always that father-and-son bond

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Weider’s influence on Schwarzenegger’s life was profound. He was there during Schwarzenegger’s early struggles in America, during his rise to stardom, and during his transition from bodybuilding to acting and then to politics. Their friendship was a testament to their shared passion for bodybuilding and their mutual respect for each other.

The Legacy of Joe Weider


Joe Weider passed away in 2013, but his legacy lives on. His contribution to bodybuilding and his role in shaping Schwarzenegger’s career are indelible parts of the sport’s history. Schwarzenegger, in his tribute to Weider, called him the “godfather of fitness” and credited him with taking a sport that was seen as a pastime for “weirdos” and turning it into a respected discipline.

Joe adjusted to my movie career by covering the filming of Stay Hungry in his magazines. All the fans knew I was retiring, and the way he framed it was ‘Arnold is going into this other arena, and he is going to carry bodybuilding with him no matter what movie he does, so let’s follow him and support him.’ When he realized I was serious about acting, Joe gave up gracefully on the dream of having me take over his business. But he would have freaked if he’d thought he would totally lose me, because I was the goose that laid the golden egg.

– Arnold Schwarzenegger

In the end, Joe Weider’s life story is not just about the rise of a bodybuilding empire. It’s about a man who saw potential in a young Austrian bodybuilder and helped him become one of the most recognized figures in the world. It’s about a bond forged in the fires of competition and solidified through decades of friendship. It’s about Joe Weider and Arnold Schwarzenegger, two men who changed the world of bodybuilding forever.

Their story is a testament to the power of mentorship, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. It’s a story that continues to inspire generations of bodybuilders around the world.

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