Master the Arnold Curl: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Secret to Big Bicep Peaks

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s legendary workout routines are still revered among athletes the world over. When we think of Arnold, one of the first things that come to mind is his impressively sculpted physique, particularly his iconic bicep peaks. Have you ever wondered how he achieved such a unique muscle formation? The secret is the Arnold Curl, a bicep-building technique that Schwarzenegger himself developed and perfected.

In this post, we delve deep into the Arnold Curl, the revolutionary exercise that forever changed the landscape of bicep training. The Arnold Curl goes beyond traditional curling methods, specifically targeting the peak of the bicep for that distinguished, mountain-like shape. But we won’t stop there. To give you a holistic view of Arnold’s arm training regimen, we’ll also explore other curl variations that he employed, all contributing to his phenomenal arm development. Buckle up and get ready to improve your workout routine and start building bicep peaks like the legend himself.

Introducing The Arnold Curl

The Arnold Curl is a unique bicep exercise, named after the legendary bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. This highly effective workout targets the peak of the bicep, providing impressive muscle definition when performed regularly and correctly. Arnold himself has discussed his techniques at length, emphasizing the importance of supination, or the outward twisting of the forearm during the curl. This specific action engages the outer head of the biceps more intensely, helping to carve out a more pronounced muscle peak, particularly visible during a back double-biceps pose.

Contrary to conventional dumbbell curl exercises, the Arnold Curl incorporates subtle, yet significant adjustments in the positioning and movement of the hand and wrist. Arnold’s method involves starting with a neutral hand position, then rotating it so that the palm faces upwards during the curl. Towards the peak of the curl, the hand is further twisted to elevate the pinkie finger above the thumb, intensely contracting the biceps. This technique, when incorporated into different curl variations, can significantly enhance arm development over time. Now, let’s delve into a step-by-step guide on how to perform the Arnold Curl correctly.

How to Perform the Arnold Curl

The Arnold Curl is a bicep exercise named after Arnold Schwarzenegger and is designed to target the peak of the bicep. The exercise is done with a dumbbell and requires a foldable workout bench.
Total Time: 15 minutes
Foldable workout bench
Stand with your feet staggered, the leg opposite of the arm with the dumbbell in front and the other leg in back. Rest your free hand on the back of the foldable workout bench in the upright position.
Grip and posture
Hold the dumbbell in one hand with your elbow slightly bent and your back flat. Keep your knees bent.
Lift the dumbbell while rotating your wrist (supination). Maintain balance and avoid any unnecessary movement.
Lower the dumbbell back down, reversing the supination. Do not lock out your elbow. Complete full movements, not half movements.
Repetition and switch
Aim for six to eight repetitions per set. Once completed, switch hands and repeat the steps.

Close-Grip Biceps Chins

Close-Grip Biceps Chins is a powerful bicep exercise that doesn’t necessarily require gym equipment, just a chinning bar. The underhand grip with hands approximately 12 inches apart targets the biceps effectively. Start with your arms straight and pull up until your chin is over the bar, ensuring your biceps are fully contracted. Slowly lower your body until your arms are straight. The key is to maintain control, using your muscles instead of momentum. No kicking with your legs is allowed; it should be a full movement, stretching at the bottom and pulling up to the chin for maximum benefits.

Close-Grip Biceps Chins

Step 1

Take an underhand grip (palms facing toward your body) on the chinning bar, with the hands about 12 inches apart.

Step 2

Start with your arms straight and pull up until your chin is over the bar and your biceps are fully contracted.

Step 3

Lower your body slowly until your arms are straight. Remember, go all the way down and all the way up, making full movements. Stretch when you reach the bottom and pull all the way up to the chin. Do not kick with your legs to put you that last few inches to the top.

Step 4

Repeat as many times as possible, aiming for a total of 30 repetitions.

Standing Barbell Curl

The Standing Barbell Curl is a classic bicep-building exercise. With a shoulder-width grip, rest the bar against your thighs and curl the bar upwards using only your forearms, keeping your upper arm stationary throughout the movement. The goal is to isolate the biceps and not engage other muscles. Flex your biceps firmly at the top of the curl, lower the bar slowly, and repeat the motion. This exercise is a cornerstone of many strength training routines and targets the biceps effectively.

Standing Barbell Curl

Step 1

Grip the bar shoulder-width, letting it rest against your thighs.

Step 2

Curl the bar up with only your forearms. Your upper arm should remain in the same position throughout the exercise. It’s important that you don’t borrow from your other muscles.

Step 3

Flex your biceps firmly at the top of the curl.

Step 4

Lower the bar slowly and repeat the process.

Seated Dumbbell Curl

The Seated Dumbbell Curl is similar to the barbell curl, but it employs two dumbbells, allowing for wrist rotation during the curl. Arnold Schwarzenegger began his dumbbell curl with his knuckles facing the front, turning them gradually until his palms faced upwards, which engaged the neglected areas of the biceps for added resistance. This variation allows for a more complete muscle engagement and can help to improve overall muscle definition and strength.

Seated Dumbbell Curl

Step 1

Take a seated position with two dumbbells in your hands, your knuckles facing forward.

Step 2

Start lifting the weights while gradually turning them until your palms are up, then flex the biceps.

Step 3

Make sure to do the movements slowly and deliberately, moving only your forearms.

Step 4

Each time you lower the weights, let them hang completely loose, not three quarters of the way down.

Hammer Curls

Hammer Curls are a variation of the traditional Dumbbell Curl, but with the palms facing inward throughout the movement. This technique not only targets the biceps but also works the forearm muscles, making it a great exercise for overall upper-arm development and strength. The unique grip position helps to engage different muscles, providing a comprehensive arm workout.

Hammer Curls

Step 1

Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended, and palms facing your torso. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Maintain the torso stationary and lift the dumbbells to shoulder level while keeping the palms facing your torso. Ensure that only the forearms should move.

Step 3

Lower the weights slowly back to the starting position as you breathe in.

Restricted Inclined Dumbbell Curl

This exercise was one of the favorites of Steve Reeves, a world-class bodybuilder, and was adopted by Arnold Schwarzenegger as well. In the Restricted Inclined Dumbbell Curl, the weights are kept from swinging upward during the curl by holding the elbows slightly forward. This action restricts the work to the biceps, creating a more intense workout and leading to a new peak in bicep development.

Restricted Inclined Dumbbell Curl

Step 1

Lie back on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward, and arms extended fully downward. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Keep your elbows slightly forward and curl the dumbbells while contracting your biceps as you breathe out. Ensure that only the forearms should move and your upper arms are stationary. Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level.

Step 3

Slowly begin to bring the dumbbells back to the starting position as your breathe in.

Concentration Curls

Concentration Curls are an exercise that Arnold appreciated for their ability to peak the muscle. It’s a strict movement, performed with a focus on the contraction of the biceps. Standing with a dumbbell in one hand, and the other resting on a stationary object for support, the weight is curled up to the shoulder. The key is to ensure the elbow doesn’t rest against the thigh and to twist the wrist so the little finger ends higher than the thumb.

Concentration Curls

Step 1

Stand and slightly bend over, take a dumbbell in one hand. Rest your free arm on your knee or another stationary object for stability. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Curl the weight up to the shoulder without moving the upper arm or elbow. Make sure your elbow doesn’t rest against your thigh. As you lift, twist your wrist so that your little finger is higher than your thumb.

Step 3

Tense the muscle fully at the top of the curl, then lower the weight slowly, resisting it all the way down to full extension. At the top of the curl, your biceps should take the full stress of the weight. Don’t curl the weight to the chest; it must be curled to the shoulder to work the high outside biceps.

Preacher Curls

Preacher Curls are especially beneficial for filling the space between the lower biceps and the elbow joint and for creating thickness throughout the biceps. This exercise involves curling a barbell with an underhand grip while your arms extend over a bench, putting additional stress on the lower part of the muscle. The trick is to avoid leaning back while lifting the bar and to flex the muscles hard at the top of the movement.

Preacher Curls

Step 1

Position yourself with your chest against the bench, your arms extending over it. This puts the arms at an angle, which transfers additional stress to the lower area of the muscle. Take hold of a barbell with an underhand grip. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Hold your body steady, curl the bar all the way up and then lower it again to full extension, resisting the weight on the way down.

Step 3

Don’t lean back as you lift the bar, and deliberately flex the muscle extra hard as you come to the top of the movement, where there is little actual stress on the biceps muscles.

Unleashing Your Inner Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger Fitness

As we wrap up our exploration of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s revered arm-building techniques, it’s time to apply these exercises to your own workout regimen. Remember, Arnold’s success wasn’t built in a day. Consistency, discipline, and a deep understanding of how each exercise targets your muscles are the keys to transforming your physique.

The Arnold Curl, along with the variety of other curl variations, provides a well-rounded approach to bicep development. Embrace these techniques and remember the power of supination and controlled movement that Arnold himself championed. So, gear up and start your journey towards those colossal bicep peaks. In the end, it’s not just about building impressive muscles; it’s about embodying the spirit of perseverance, dedication, and relentless pursuit of personal growth that Arnold Schwarzenegger exemplifies.

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